

The current mood of greenwitch at

moon phases

I am cross posting this from my LJ since it is important to both spaces....

My daughter chose the princess of wands and the pricess of swords as the cards that represent her. I read the Crowley deck. These are rich images. I then threw five cards to get a feel for the child's difficulies in life right now. The central card was the emperor. The king of swords was there to represent the child's father. Three cups sang of creativity while the five of swords spoke of a balance that is difficult. The five of swords was the child's pick as her favorite card of the spread.

This was my first reading for my child. It was difficult but very much felt right. We are having major problems at the moment. I must clear my aura so she can find peace with me. She is too young to be left to find her own way. I carried her in my body for nine months, I carried her in my arms and on my hip for another nine months, I carry her on her journey to individuality through her first nine years......

Goddess give me strength.

written at 8:55 p.m.
October 28, 2005

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