

The current mood of greenwitch at

moon phases

Well, I am not sure what I am doing about my blog space. I find the whole failure to work thing here at D'land is becoming more common and that makes me very unhappy. Don't ya know my cyber life must run smoothly. Nothing in the real world does so cyberworld must pull up the slack. I did bop over to wordpress and snatch up a username just in case. I am not sure if that is where I would go or if I would crank up the volume over at LJ. I have to see which one gives me more control. I haven't found LJ to give me alot of control over my look. If I don't pay I can't get into the html. Now I can futz over at wordpress but I need to learn CSS, no html allowed there. Do I need to learn something new right now? I don't think I will be jumping ship here right away but when it comes time to cough up the dough I will be thinking long and hard.

In other more mundane and real news. Ray who builds stuff is charging ahead with the construction of the milking parlor. It is looking more and more like a real room and will likely have a roof and windows and a door in the next day or two. I keep going out there and just standing in the middle of this half constructed room with my mouth hanging open. It is a good thing the flies are not out in any number right now cause I would be catching a bunch.

Otherwise I have been going like crazy trying to get outdoor chores done. I stacked over a cord of wood in the past day in an effort to get rid of the messy piles that never got stacked in the fall. My truck bed is full to brimming with suff for the dump. I will get rid of it on my way back from taking A. to school in the morning. I have gardening to do and the veggie garden needs to be relocated. I need to do laundry but I have to replace the clothesline. Nothing is tidy and neat and I am trying to fix that ASAP cause time is running out. First farmer's market is 6/9. That isn't far off considering three does still will kid and all that farm stuff goes on daily......

I really am thinking a good meth lab would be nice to have.

written at 8:38 p.m.
May 08, 2007

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All material copyright � Greenwitch 2001 - 2007. If you steal it I will hex you.