

The current mood of greenwitch at

moon phases

So last night you all got pictures instead of a "real" entry because I managed to hit some gadblasted key that not only lost my entry but sent me out to my desktop without a second to adjust to the insult. Not that what I was writing was all that earthshattering or anything but, hell, it was what I was writing and my fingers were moving happily over the keys generating words that made complete sentences that comprised paragraphs that told about my life.

At the moment I don't think I can find the momentum I had last night and I have pretty much lost interest in what I was writing then. I really don't have a terrribly lengthy attention span anymore. The attention span issue is an interesting one. It falls into my philosophy of looking forward to senility later in life. Imagine a life where new friends are made on a daily basis and the slate is wiped clean each day thus preventing bordom and redundancy. In addition a lack of short term memory would greatly reduce the likelyhood of worry and stress. It is really hard to dwell on things not remembered.

Now before I become senile enough to enjoy a daily renewed life, I think I will try to get a few things done. I called a fellow at the county technology development center that some folks in my community swear can help me with writing a business plan and negotiating the labrynth of regulation that stands between me now and a future me with a sparklingly legal cheese room. Of course, like most folks I would actually like to talk to, I got his voice mail and left a message. With any luck he will call back while I am actually home and near the phone.

There was a farmer's market board meeting on Tuesday night that was very poorly attended. Not that that is a horrible thing. It just makes my tired bones a little more tired to think others are not getting up and moving while I am. We discussed the potential opening date for the market (first or second Saturday of June) and advertising and what festivals we want to have. We were supposed to approve vendor applications but the new market manager was out of town so that means another meeting at the end of this month to do that.

Well, that is all the words I have time for right now. I have to get moving and shop for a new clothes dryer now that I have water to wash clothes with. I love air dryed clothes with the exception of denim jeans which line dry to the consistancy of cardboard.

written at 8:21 a.m.
April 14, 2005

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All material copyright � Greenwitch 2001 - 2007. If you steal it I will hex you.