

The current mood of greenwitch at

moon phases

Three does and two bucks.

What a fucking day.

It took until nearly four-thirty to see the first kid. She was very very tiny and almost all black. Selena is the mom. Then nearly at the same time.

Did I mention that both Selena and Sprinkles decided to do synchornized birthing?

So at about the same time Sprinkles is pushing and I see a rather large hoof poking out. Oh-oh, only one hoof. We need two and a nose please. Who the heck do I help first, Sprinkles or Selena. A. was drying off Selena's doe and Rainman was running for new chucks or towels or whatever and then Sprinkles is really straining and we still only have one hoof so I put a finger in and I feel the other hoof but the kid has its "arms" crossed so I hope it works out and I try to find the nose but I don't feel it and then Sprinkles is really getting down to business and the hoof is still all we see and then suddenly I find the other hoof is willing to move a bit and then the nose is there and out pops (with an accompaning yell) a large peach colored doe.

Sweat. Gasp. Sheesh.

Long interlude here. Long enough that I milk Selena for colostrom for the two kids and then we pace and wait and wonder and finally an hour later I am just about to "go in" to feel around for the next kids and my cell phone rings.

I had left a message for The Mistress when the large peach doe was presenting the single hoof and I wasn't sure if she was stuck or not. I was having flash backs to last years single doe with the huge head that tried to come out at the same time as the shoulders. But The Mistress wasn't home when I left the message but she got home and called me just as I was about to reach in to see if there was another kid in a bad position. So anyway, I feel around with my fingers and I don't feel anything. The Mistress says you gotta go in to your wrist. So with, a gulp, I do and I fell a nose and hooves. Another kid is sitting there in the birth canal but it ain't swimmin' upstream. I get a hold and I give a little tug and sprinkles screams and the next thing we know another kid is on it's way out. A black buck is born.

That having been worked out, so to speak, I now am faced with the task of checking Selena. Good Goddess, I reach in and what do I feel but four hooves and a nose. The Mistress says I have to push back all the hooves and get a hold of the head and then find the legs that go with the head so I can start that kid on it's way into the world. It was pretty weird feeling around in there but finally I got he legs out of the way and got the head moving forward but then the legs that went with the head were folded back so it wasn't easy to get the kid out but finally a buck was born. Shortly after that another doe was born out of Selena back hooves first.

Sweat, gasp, pant.

Babies dried, fed and moved to the house. Moms milked given raisins and hugged for their tremendous effort. The midwife (me) feeling bent and slimed hopes never to have to do that again (or at least not two does at once).

Pictures were taken but I really need to rest. Luna has been instructed not to kid tonight but she is so goofy she may just go ahead with it anyway.

Selena is shaking and tired. I am a bit worried about her. I hand fed her some alfalfa and offered her molasses water. She is still wearing her coat. Say a prayer to your favorite deity that watches over new mothers for her please. I love that girl mightily.

written at 10:09 p.m.
March 15, 2006

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