

The current mood of greenwitch at

moon phases

People I have to tell you I am tired.

I really thought I was coming down with something and then this morning I realized I am just totally cooked.

Anyone remember those anti-drug commercials with the egg in the frying pan. That is me.

I have been running full tilt for way too long and it has caught up with me. I think the notion of having my cheeseroom inspection next week gave me permission to just go limp.

I am seriously realizing that I need to rest and recoup before the goats start kidding on the 22nd of next month. That will be the beginning of a period of 3-4 weeks of craziness. Seven does will kid in that period leaving me with approximately 21 kids to tend to in addition to restarting the milking routine. Kidding season is running dangerously close to the beginning of the farmer's market season which begins on June 9th. That means cheesemaking will be well underway as soon as the inspector has left the building next week.

Bottom line: Rest now or survive (barely) until November.

I keep thinking it would be nice to get away for a day or two before kidding begins. Then I think that would take more energy than I really have...... Besides I am not sure where to go. Someplace kid friendly so A could go along. Magrit went someplace last year that had an indoor water park. That sounds like a laugh... but requires energy......

In other news I am seriously considering using biodynamic techniques in gardening this year. Of course I have to move most of my veggie/berry/fruit garden just to get going again. It just seems to make sense. I have generally been very sensitive to the heavens when I work with herbs so bringing that to food production is a no brainer.

Now I am off to feed goats and continue the training of the two yearlings. A. is already in the barn. She didn't even come in the house when we got back from her school. The goat thrill never wears off that kid.

written at 4:16 p.m.
March 23, 2007

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