

The current mood of greenwitch at

moon phases


I won't spend much time on this subject but I do think it deserves a comment. The whole pedophile in the catholic church thing is beginning to drive me crazy. Can we not evolve beyond the boys club mentality of christianity?? How much will it take for people to realize that those in a position of power will often protect their own. The decision to walk away from the sessions with the pope without a strong condemnation of the abuse of power within the clergy of the catholic church is an atrocity.

Goddess protect the catholic children.

Well. Other than treading water, so to speak, in a sea of tree pollen, things are business as usual. I have been very tired from the pollen effect and today I just refused to do much of anything. It finally rained a decent bit so it wasn't too hard to stay in and veg out. I don't think A. found my desire to do absolutely nothing very entertaining but she did OK.

I had one of those "talks" with rainman the other night. I am not sure exactly why. I just sometimes can't keep my big mouth shut. The script ran pretty much along the lines it usually does.

Me: Well, I can't stand you anymore. What are you going to do about it?

Rainman: I have been alcohol free for eight days and I would like you to acknowlege that fact. Otherwise you are a real bitch.

Me: I am not a bitch. I am very depressed and unhappy. That is why I am wasting my time talking to you again.

Rainman: Well, I will move out as soon as I have the money.

Me: And what do you propose to do about A's future?

You get the idea. Threats and neurosis. For me it just builds up to a point where I have to say something about the continuation of this disfunctional marriage. Once I have said something I find it much easier to just ignore rainman. Until, of course, my hormones kick in. Tune in in about two weeks for that episode.

Last night as I was on my way to sleep I started having these strange recollections of all the guys I have kissed in my life. At the time it sounded like the makings of a great diary entry. Now, I am not so sure. It's one of those things that needs to be done while the inspiration is new and fresh.

How about just a brief sampling?

Elio: Ah, that blast from the past that is now an ocean away and freshly divorced. Definite make out material there. Even in high school he had mustache and beard. The soft tickly kind that would just make me laugh while making out in the dark while stoned. Ah, the memories.

Robert: Bad boy extroidinaire. The brother of a friend who appealed to all my more felon tendencies. He was a thrill but also a bore while on ludes. We had some fun rides though.

Mike: This one wanted to marry me. He was a nice guy, don't get me wrong. He just was too mediocre. You know, hanging out with his friends and Bud Weiser. Too often expecting me to wait until later and then he would want to get laid and he just assumed I would marry him. He was an OK kisser. The motocycle rides were fun.

The italians (Benny and Dominic): Two brief flings that were a laugh. Italians are too into their own machoness to really appeal to me though.

There are others but I think I will save it for another more inspired time. This should be done correctly as a hystorical document with notations about "relationships" vs. "flings" and "strickly make outs" vs. "it leading to other things". I suppose it would also be fun to have a look at the make out wannabes. You know, the ones that tried but were scorned.

I guess one becomes a scientist when confronted by celibacy.

Or one becomes a catholic priest.

written at 8:40 p.m.

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