

The current mood of greenwitch at

moon phases


I don't know if it is an alignment of the planets or the barometric pressure but this day sucked.


It started off innocently enough. I had planned on making jam out of some of the goddamned peaches from the thorn in my side peach tree. No big deal. I got down to peeling peaches by nine this morning. I made a goupy syrupy mess of peaches, pectin and organic sugar put it all into hot jars and cooked them in the huge half rusted canning pot I got at the salvation army thrift store.

I soon realized I had not used enough peaches. They were going to organize and sneek up on my during an idle moment and fuzz me to death. I thought fast and decided peach crisp was the least complicated solution.

Peeling fucking peaches again. I am not a peach fan and all I do each summer is peel fucking peaches. UGH.

I finally got the peach crisp into the oven and I realized it was not going to be a good day. A. had been whinning for about an hour and there was no sign of let up. The kid just wasn't in a good state of being. Whine, noise in general, make sensless messes. Stuff like that. Enough to make you believe that vaccinations do cause ADHD.

The kid had a headache yesterday and this lovely behaviour today. Funny it being just a few days after a well kid visit to the pediatrician. I won't go into the vaccination issues here and now.....

Anyway, The afternoon didn't improve matters. It was like someone body snatched my kid. She was a complete pain. Granted I have been terminally tired. Terminally aggravated with rainman is a big factor too. I hope to wake up with infinite patience in the morning.

Speaking of rainman. Did I mention he made a unilateral decision to work from yesterday through sunday only comming home to sleep for a few hours each night. He left for work yesterday and he said goodbye to A. and told her he would see her sunday. She asked me tonight whether tommarrow is sunday. Could this be a part of her behaviour? Rainman is doing this because he wants to have extra money for when he is on vacation labor day week. For what?? Is it worth not seeing your kid for four days? He didn't even call today to talk to her. I called him yesterday to ask something but he just goes off like LA DE DA.

Maybe I am a bit testy.

Maybe not.

written at 8:51 p.m.

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