

The current mood of greenwitch at

moon phases

It has become damned cold out and I am not happy about it. Last Wednesday I went with the kid's class to an ice skating rink on top of the mountain and it was like sixty degrees out. There was mist rising off the ice for cripes sake. Today same rink and a stiff wind and mercury that could not get up to thrity. My bones have a layer of frost on them and my hair has so much static electricity it is like receiving shock treatments constantly.

Fucking northeastern winters.

Not much other news. Things remain the same. My mother is sleeping and consuming little. Rainman is a moron on toast and contiunues to aggravate me. The holiday season is grating on my nerves. The milk inspector finally returned my call and now must call his boss for information.

Did I mention that I am crabby.

Fucking northeastern winters.

Check out this example of Rainman's aggravating behavior. Monday night he asks me if I will be home on Tuesday morning. I replied that no, I would not. He asks if I will be home Tuesday afternoon. I reply that I am not sure. Tuesday morning as I am leaving the house he asks when I will be home. I responded that I would be home when I got back from my outing to get A. a new pair of longjohns. I got home and Rainman was not home. He brought A. home from school and at dinner I asked hime why he wanted to know when I would be home. He said he wanted to talk to me. I suggested that he tell me that rather than playing twenty questions about my plans. He never talked to me about anything. I wonder if it was important.

Not a good story, sorry.

Fucking northeastern winters.

written at 8:49 p.m.
December 07, 2005

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