
hissandtell - 2006-09-13 21:41:27
I'm so sorry, darlings. Love, R xxx
cccerberus - 2006-09-13 23:23:06
Uh, oh- something got her? Our condolences for your bunny loss.
meanatheart - 2006-09-14 00:06:00
I'm so sorry.
july - 2006-09-14 06:19:16
Thinking of you both. I hope A. doesn't take it too badly. xxx
terri - 2006-09-14 10:55:53
When is your luck going to change for the better? I know you didn't do anything to deserve all this crap.
Lisa - 2006-09-14 11:17:25
So sorry sweetie... *hugs*

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