
cccerberus - 2006-11-18 21:33:12
hey sister seems like one of those days...nice weather here but so much to do, so loittle time. have fun with your new pickup broom!
hissandtell - 2006-11-18 22:58:19
Your new truck sounds perfectly empowering, darling - just what you (and indeed, any of us) need. J bought me a new (old) truck last week for doing all the rougher little cowgirl-jobs on the rancho when he's away. (My poor aged Subaru Brumby finally bit the dust, and not in any nice way.) Other than putting a "Magic Happens" sticker on the bumper and my Dancin' Diva on the dashboard, and hanging an evil eye from the mirror, the new ute is still at the somewhat functional stage, though. It's in desperate need of further goddessification, in fact. Maybe some hot pink faux-fur seat covers would help... Have fun with yours tomorrow! Love, R xxx

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