
cccerberus - 2007-01-23 21:16:54
Mmm, sounds yummy- what a lucky family you have! Details, shmetails- my day overfloweth with them too. Happily, one day your cheesroom will be legal, you may have 10,000 goats somewhere someday and just be signing checks from your sunny island home.
LA - 2007-01-24 08:06:30
Yup, I hate doing the last of the squidgy detail work. I get Veruca Salt about things. "I don't care how...I want it NOW!" I also want to come to dinner at your place. Wow. So yummy! ~LA
terri - 2007-01-24 15:12:03
Set a plate for me too. That sounds so yummy and cozy and wintery....hope it tasted even better than it sounded. I think a picture of the bakers rack with all the goodies on it is in order....please??

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