
Christy - 2007-02-02 17:04:54
Please don't home school anyone without learning how to spell "hypocrisy."
Stephanie - 2007-02-02 18:03:59
I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for what you are going through, but I now find myself sitting here stunned by the nastiness of the above comment. I guess "humanity WILL be seen for what it is; a huge lot of self serving fools."
ccerberus - 2007-02-02 19:32:33
Are there schools to re-educate anonymous vicious internet cowards who spell perfectly all the time, I wonder? I am also stunned by the materialistic proponants of this Waldorf based school. Home schooling A. could be a blessing in disguise. Have you checked out the area public schools? They might be good where you are.
Keri - 2007-02-03 08:59:45
note to christy - have you even read the rest of this series of events? Do you even care, or are you just trying to make trouble. People like you should forced to live with unfortunate situations just so you can know how it feels to feel "stuck". Back off since you don't understand. AND by the way...there's a thing called a dictionary, and parents, teachers, and students alike use one of these new-fangled contraptions to MAKE SURE they spell words they are UNSURE of correctly. (ok i know that was taken care of already but still...) Now, greenwitch. I'm sorry to hear about the situation. Alot of times it is true, if you don't have loads of money sitting in your back pocket, you mean nothing to a place of education. Even in public schools that is true. It is unfortunate that the system could not find a way to help you deal with your sudden financial burden. It seems awful quick of them to boot you and A out of the school without so much as an indepth explanation of why they cannot wait until things settle.
ccerberus - 2007-02-03 10:09:32
yes, i was thinking along the lines of what keri said too. i'm wondering whether tuition just barely covers teacher's salaries. Unfortunately waldorf salaries were about $15 an hour (out here) last time i checked which is why i never bothered to study waldorf, besides what seemed to me their inability to include a diversity of culture and economic class of students. greenwitch, i have known you for a long time- like we were discussing around the new year, it seems this Tower tarot card the universe keeps dealing you is to invoke your true potential of who you truly are. among other things you are a seer, a fururist, and don't truly belong in the materialist world you are being booted from. not to say that you don't deserve the bounty your dharma has proved you quite capable of acheiving, but you would be so much happier in a community of like-minded people! in recent weeks i have imagined two very likely scenarios for you : 1) your house being a weekend bed & breakfast for weedwalk and all-things-goat workshops (a well worn rest stop & cheese tasting/ cheese shop shop for all those NYC tourist weekend drivers in the country.) You could put this on your cheese web site. people are making so much $ reeanacting good country living- i swear! i wish i could remember the name of this farm that invites weekenders to stay & participate in farm living! 2) Move A. & all your goats cross country to Owen's brother's community...or if you sell your pace buy a home in the area. I've sent you the website. have i sent you their blogspot? they have great children there and are all smart ecowarrior type people, the schools are great...the town is quite liberal.... i believe you would love it. best wishes
Kathy - 2007-02-03 11:36:37
Yeesh. How'd I miss this one? Nice drive-by advice Christy. Ick. We had our kids in private school for awhile and I know they had funds when such events happened to families. Also, families could be contacted by the administration to help with emergency scholarships in certain situations. But maybe we had a bigger private school that you guys are at. This rush to push A out of school is just offensive! We could no longer afford the private school and had to throw the Things into public school. Where they now spend their classroom time watching movies and dealing with behavorial issues. I'd homeschool them myself if I had the smarts. However, I don't have the smarts. But I can spell hypocrisy! Speaking of hypocrisy - I suppose this could be considered a drive-by itself. Hmmmm. Well, I'm just another product of public schools. But thank god MY mother didn't homeschool me. I'd be a babbling buffoon in the corner!
Terri - 2007-02-03 13:42:18
I hope I am not too late in expressing my thoughts. I,too, am appalled that a school would so coldly cast A. out without giving you an update..not to mention any alternatives. While I know you could homeschool A. and be brilliant at it...I also know that the social aspect of being with her peers and being away from you part of the day is very important. I hope things can be worked out. I did like what "ccerberus" said. A weekend bed and breakfast farm experience sounds wonderful You could offer so much more than just goat information and goodies...I think it is a really great idea. Your love of nature, animals, good sense, good food would be worth a visit for anyone and in particular for anyone with children. As for the rude comment at the beginning, how dare she be so nasty about a word instead of concentrating on the to be her, I guess.

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