
yankee-chick - 2007-03-24 16:14:20
A. is so beautiful! And she sounds like sucha great kid ( pun intended) You must be so proud of her! Well, I know you are from your entries, DUH! And your 'other' kids are adorable, too! I am sending good thoughts your way hoping for no preemies!!
cccerberus - 2007-03-24 19:19:25
I'll send a prayer to the universe things stay on an even keel and the kids come to full term. A has grown so much & is so much more able to help these days. lucky you!
LA - 2007-03-24 20:24:18
Intention sent. Child is you in miniature and just as gorgeous. I love that she's taking on the power tools! Well done, A! Please, little Shanti, be strong. ~LA
Stephanie - 2007-03-25 09:33:35
Oh, A is stunning! Really, what a beauty!

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