
yankee-chick - 2007-04-15 18:14:06
Oh,how sad for you! I'm sorry it was so difficult for Luna and one of the babies died. Good luck with the little survivor!
LA - 2007-04-15 19:39:28
Damn. I'm sorry, honey. Sadness over the rough birth and for the one who didn't make it, but the warmest of welcomes to the wee doe. I don't know the naming process, but 'Fortuna' is speaking to me. Strong shoulder and open ears whenever you need them. ~LA
Stephanie - 2007-04-15 20:29:18
I'm so sorry one of the does died. How sad. I hope Luna and her new baby are doing well.
cccerberus - 2007-04-15 20:29:37
We put Chaos to sleep today. It was time. We are with you and your broken heart.

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