
cccerberus - 2007-04-16 12:23:21
New moon births are considered dangerous. Hope your goats hang in there until full term as the moon starts to wane again. Glad you could save the newbie.
Kathy - 2007-04-16 12:32:01
I don't know how you can stand it all! I can barely keep up with my two cats. You are amazing and by the way - can I tell you again how much I love your soap?! It's fantastic. And I mean to do a link about it soon.
terri - 2007-04-16 13:38:38
Wow, that must have been quite a shock!! Does it have anything to do with using a young buck to breed? I think both the babies are so beautiful...I bet A. will want to adopt this new little one too. They can't be much bigger than a dog...I hope the moon stops causing all this birthing....
LA - 2007-04-16 14:40:09
My goodness, this is crazy. Wishing you peace and fuller terms for the rest. ~LA
Keri - 2007-04-17 11:11:44
Wow, and to think we used to breed early so that they'd all kid in january feb, and march! Its a lot colder up there though. Hope the two you have will be strong and healthy and I also hope you have no more problems this year. Keep your chin up
terri - 2007-04-17 13:39:12
Me again... I know it will seem strange but I was telling my husband about the early birthing of goat babies when I was picking up my car yesterday and the salesman got a funny look. He said his sister in law raises goats and one of her goats had her baby very early over the weekend too!!! He said it weighs just over 2 lbs but they were hoping to save it

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