
yankee-chick - 2007-05-13 21:55:46
How great that you guys got together!! And great pictures of A. She looks so pretty in the outfit she made! Happy Mothers Day!
Stephanie - 2007-05-14 07:10:53
A is stunning! That first photo looks like a painting - very cool. You're right - we should have found each other long ago, but I'm so glad and grateful that we DID find each other now! I hope you had a happy Mother's Day, and that your head feels better.
LA - 2007-05-14 07:44:11
A does look incredible in her outfit. The day was most excellent and Mick was in heaven with the talk and the goats and your hammock. Thanks for the hospitality and know we'll be back soon. Fie on migraines! Fie, I say! ~LA
cccerberus - 2007-05-14 21:30:50
It's great to hear you connected with witches who write/rite, way up there in the lonely mountainous backwoods...Then again, that there is the very foothills of magic. All those trees...goats and ghosts. A looks stunning in her fashion gear.....Now, for the news update. Owen's granny died yesterday, on Mother's day. There is a service for her in CT, and my mom is aready freaking out that I'm not going to be spending enough time with her. I'm trying to coordinate an itinerary soon, so I can still take public transit and see everyone with out freaking out my mother too badly...

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