
cccerberus - 2007-07-04 12:37:21
So sorry rainman is delusional to the point where can not seem to help himself or the members of his own family. He must have Asberger's or something. Hope the goaties go for the peanuts. I'm sure you have thought of everything else.
terri - 2007-07-04 17:34:04
You never bore me....and since it is Independence Day...I am glad that you decided to rant a deserve to let it all out. I am sure you are right that he doesn't want to consider helping to care for his mother...and would only do so if YOU said to bring her to your YOU could be the caretaker. Sorry to hear that Rainbow is having an adjustment problem...
yankeechick - 2007-07-04 21:22:55
You are never boring, Sweet Pea. We need to speak of these things to help clear some of the nasty clutter of it out of our minds! And your friends are here to listen. {{{hugs}}}
Stephanie - 2007-07-05 06:46:08
I'm listening, and I'm not bored. I just wish things weer easier for you.
LA - 2007-07-05 20:33:28
Darling, I sang that song for 3 damn years before I could change a single note. Sing on and get the clarity you need. ~LA
Diane - 2007-07-06 16:59:40
If you didn't have this place to vent I think you'd explode! Sorry about how things are going for you but at least you have your business and that was a HUGE step in the right direction. Here's hoping it all goes well and it liberates you.

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