

The current mood of greenwitch at

moon phases

What bad stinking luck. The pinkeye was getting better and then yesterday afternoon as I was doing a packaging marathon for the markets, both my eyes started oozing nastiness. It was very annoying. Worse, all last night my eyes were watering and getting glued shut and watering some more. I woke up looking like a GHOUL! Both eyes bright red and watering with the right one so swollen I could barely open it. So what is a girl to do? Let the cheese spoil after all the work to make it and the twelve hour day to package so I could go to a doctor this morning? No, of course not. Put the shades on and use a ton of tissues and hand sanitizer and struggle through the market. It is a damned good thing the sun didn't come out to add to the humidity. I would have definitely passed out. I felt like I was on some strange drug all day. My head felt huge and fuzzy and I was totally exhausted.

I sold out of cheese, made some good money and off to the urgent care I went. The place was mobbed. They had some emergency and an ambulance was outside so I waited quite a while. I have a small pharmacy worth of eyedrops and antibiotics along with antihistimines and decongestants to clear this mess up. I rarely take this kind of shit but, hell, I look and feel like shit. I just hope it kicks in for tomorrow. I have my second market and I am taking A. to one of her best friend's birthday party. I hope I at least look a bit more human.

written at 8:36 p.m.
July 16, 2005

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