

The current mood of greenwitch at

moon phases

.....And now the cheeseroom report. I should actually say the drywell report. It was a long and filthy day of digging and hauling and moving and rearranging and one nasty screw up/discovery. Don't worry I wasn't doing all that stuff but I was watching and boy was it stressful. The plumber brought his pretty little orange machine over to dig the hole for the cement thing that the floor drain(s) in the cheeseroom will drain to. It was a long and difficult job for one older plumber to do but he did a grand job (loud applause for my plumber Charlie). The screw up/discovery was when Charlie hit what he thought was the footings drain pipe with his pretty orange machines backhoe thingy and broke the pipe. Not to worry says Charlie, I will fix it. He headed out of here to get the pipes he needed and I threw in a load of laundry and ran a couple of quicky errands. I came back and went out to take this photo.......


Now you can't see the hole all that well here but there is a cement tank siting in a hole over five feet deep. That hole had soapy water in it! Seems the greywater line from the washing machine is run into the footing drain pipe. It really shouldn't be there but it is. Charlie had to do a bit of extra work to fix that little situation. The lid, which you see chained to the pretty orange machine thingy, was put on the tank and the tank covered and alot of pipe run in a ditch that is heading toward the property line...... Charlie has to bring the pretty orange machine back to finish the job on Friday at which time he will also bring a jackhammer to break the cement floor in the garage for the floor drain that will be attached to the pipe to the drywell tank that will hold the wash water from the cheeseroom.


The only things I got done today besides watching and stressing over the pretty orange machine work was a call to my raw honey source and I spray painted one of the milking stands I brought home a while back John Deere green. It looks very cool. The other stand is royal blue. Gotta have color ya know.

And now a picture of some of the reasons I do the things I do and manage to stay sane as I do it.


That is Minnie, Rainbow, and Luna (with the strange blue eye effect goats get when the flash goes off)

written at 9:20 p.m.
June 21, 2006

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All material copyright � Greenwitch 2001 - 2007. If you steal it I will hex you.