

The current mood of greenwitch at

moon phases

This whole new version of shopping with A. is very interesting.

And exhausting.

If only I had known that all I needed to do this morning was go get a cappaccino at P@nera and then go to Burlington just a couple of doors down. You see, we spent two hours going to every store in the mall that sells girls shoes only to find that either the shoe didn't feel good, A. didn't like the look, or they didn't have it in the right size. The other pervasive reality was that it is April 1st and all one should be buying in footwear is flip flops and water shoes with an occasional sandle thrown in for good measure. Closed shoes were almost as rare as the mythological hen's teeth.

After the mall we decided that we needed a rest and some food so we went over to P@anera for lunch. Then we went to Burlington where we found a pair of blue sketcher's sneakers that A. just loved and and .... wait, they only have a 2 and we need a 1. Oh, shit, no it cannot happen.

"Try the 2 on honey, maybe they run small".

I searched and scanned and looked a third time and then I saw it. The silver box that said "blue on blue". But... what is the size?

"Honey, here I found a 1, wait let me look inside the box.... YES!!"

We had the only pair of comfortable shoes of the correct color and size for A. in all of Malltown. Four hours after we set out to shoe shop.

I hope the kid's feet don't grow again for a long long time. Or, if they must, do it at the beginning of a season not the end.

After all that going to the fabric store to get a pattern and some fabric for A's 4H fashion show project was a cinch. She got a pattern for an elastic waist pant which she is making with a spring green lightweight cotton that has very fine metalic silver stripes. She is adding a top that she will make out of some fabric that has the elastic stiching for the bodice of a summer top or sundress already done. The fabric is pink paisly with spring green accents. She only needs to sew a back seam and make straps and hem the bottom. She will have a complete outfit for the fashion show. Totally cool.

We finally got home around 4pm. I nearly passed out after we came in from the barn. I guess my hemorrhage didn't feel up to shopping all day and wanted to make a point. What an odd feeling... it has been a while since I have felt like that. Since then I can't seem to get warm..... I am so glad there is no school tomorrow so I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn. I need some rest. I need to be easy on my body.

'Cuz we all know I will be running like a maniac in a few weeks.

written at 8:25 p.m.
April 01, 2007

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