

The current mood of greenwitch at

moon phases

I would like to thank folks for the notes, guestbook entries and emails about my last entry (I don't get too many real hugs so I have to savor my cyberhugs).

I want everyone to keep in mind that I am not upset in any acute way. I don't even feel all that irked by the whole thing. It could be all innocent and silly. It ultimately doesn't matter all that much to me. I am just a little puzzled by the collective discoveries. I agree that if there was something to hide the stuff in the car would have been hidden, maybe.

Whatever the case may be it has sent me down the path of resolve to get past this crappy living arrangement ASAP. I told Rainman when he came home tonight that I wanted to talk to him. Once A. was in bed he asked what I wanted to talk about (surprising in its self). I told him I wasn't going to talk that he was. I want to know about his life since I am living with a stranger. He immediately said that was a rather broad request. He wanted to tell me what he talked to the couselor about. He acknowledged he has assumed I am not interested in what he is doing so he doesn't talk to me about anything (duh). He said he wants me to be his wife again. I let him know that is up to him. I said little and what I said he took exception with over half the time. That is alot given I said maybe six sentences after asking him to tell me about his life.

Bottom line. Same shit different day. Am I surprised, no. Will anything change, probably not. Will I wait long, no.

I have been awake since 4am's mighty night sweat so I am off to bed.

written at 9:00 p.m.
March 14, 2005

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All material copyright � Greenwitch 2001 - 2007. If you steal it I will hex you.