

The current mood of greenwitch at

moon phases

Wonderful things can happen.

Sprinkles stood up on all four hooves and took a couple of steps away from me as I once again stuck her with an 18 guage needle. She then stood on all four legs for a full half an hour.

This is not supposed to happen. When a four legged doesn't stand for several days their leg muscles atrophy and don't work very good.

I cannot tell you how happy I am.

I was ready to make a sling to help her stand until her leg muscles strengthened. Now, with any luck, I will only have to help her stand several times a day until she is back to normal.

Sprinks was watching the herd very closely today. I don't think she approves of their behaviour while she has been unable to give them the full supervision she feels they need. She is a bossy queen and will have things run her way.

I am so fucking relieved.

Now I can concentrate fully on my anxiety about Shanti kidding. She is due on Monday. She is so small. I just hope she has her mother and grandmother's elastic insides.

I would offer up some other news but I have been doing nothing but taking care of Sprinkles and taking care of baby goats and trying to catch my breath in between.

Happy Friday.

written at 9:21 p.m.
April 27, 2007

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