

The current mood of greenwitch at

moon phases

Me and a garbage bag did the rounds of the back seat of my truck this afternoon. No fermented beverages were found. Although several layers of cracker crumbs, a bunch of refrozen and since defrosted M&Ms , and a really nasty fossilized applesauce cup were found and removed by a hazmat team.

Those of you with good powers of deduction are most likely with me..... If it wasn't a rancid juice box in the back of the truck it must have been the guy in the passenger seat that was stinking the place up. Especially considering that the last wiff was in the open air. With a stiff wind blowing. In close proximity to a certain someone.

I hate to even consider the possibility. But I know exactly what this boy smells like when he has been drinking and at the moment I cannot get my mind around something that would be such a good simulation.

What the fuck do I do with this?

Wanna hear something ironic? For the past year I have been trying to make Rainman understand that life with an active physically manic child is a risky thing without a bit of health insurance for stiches and casts. The other day he suddenly had a renewed interest in health insurance after he had spent the last year either letting me know it was financially impossible or just plain ignoring the issue.

I wonder what caused this sudden interest in the topic. He actually went so far as to ask what my sources might be through the farm.

Should I feel a bit disturb? Concerned? Pissed?

Focused. That is what I feel. I really don't need the incentive but reminders are not a bad thing either.

written at 8:35 p.m.
April 10, 2007

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