

The current mood of greenwitch at

moon phases

Ok, last night was the good stuff, but now the same old shit. Ta Dum!!

Like I wasn't feeling the burn of a failed relationship enough in the light of memories of a decent relationship, this morning I got the " I have my dick in my hand" reminder. Again, while paying the household bills, I read the cable bill and wanted to puke. $30 dollors of exploitive girlie TV, this is not something there is disposable income available for, and there certainly are no disposable emotions around here. I hand the guy the bill and mention that I was not anticipating this additional expenditure in the monthly budget. He tells me this was before the other stuff, and he isn't doing it anymore. Guess again, pal, you are a technologic half-wit. I went to google to look for something online yesterday and, ya know, it remebers where you have been looking in a neat alphabetical list.

A couple of searches I know I didn't do: anal sex, Porn....I will say nothing more. I had to leave the house for the morning. I came back nearly as pissed as when I left. There is no cure for this level of shit. No amount of cleanser will help remove the stink.

written at 4:26 p.m.

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